
US Airways plans to drop movies on some domestic flights

いつも拝読しております、Oh My UA!さんのブログにこのニュースがありまして、ちょっと調べてみました。


US Airways Group Inc. plans to remove in-flight movie systems from some of its airplanes.

Travis Christ, vice president for sales and marketing of US Airways, told Bloomberg News the decision will save the airline about $10 million a year.

The targeted airplanes fly U.S. domestic routes and flights to Mexico and the Caribbean.

According to the report, Christ said the number of people paying $5 for headsets has dropped, while fuel, maintenance and studio fees have gone up. The report said the movie systems add 500 pounds to a plane's weight and that increases fuel use. The systems will be turned off on Nov. 1

Tempe, Ariz-based US Airways Group (NYSE: LCC) is already planning to begin charging for coffee and sodas. The carrier has also expanded the number of coach seats it designates as "choice seats" for which it will charge as much as $30 to reserve.


ボストンコンサルティングに代表される、ここのコートスペースをつぶして席を作れば年間いくら儲かるかなどの皮算用が得意なアメリカ人ならではの発想です。 やれ、デルタ航空はサラダの下に敷くレタスを省けば年間いくらセーブできたとか、確かにそれは大事なんでしょうけれども乗客からすれば、やれ荷物を預けていくら払ってってなんかむなしい旅行になりそうで。 さみしい限りです。

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